Released January 1, 2022
I would not describe myself as a jazz musician, or world or even chill out. My influences have always been very wide and I never liked the idea of being stuck in one genre. I’m more like a musical / digital nomad who likes to freely experiment the moment as it comes. Depending where my mind has been travelling and what influences me at the time.
Having said that Jazz has always been a big part of my life and my guitar playing as definitely been influenced by it.
I attempted Jazz school as a music student and I did practice (and still do) the art of Jazz improvisation. I’ve always been fascinated by the colours and sound of Jazz and as a guitarist by the technicality of this music.
As a producer Im miles away from Jazz. I get my technics and inspiration from 80’s pop and even 70’s progressive rock influences. But as a guitarist Im very much influenced by Blues and artists such as Pat Metheny or Georges Benson.
The mix of the two sounds like what I have been calling the “Jazzy Lounge” sounds
The “Reminiscence” album was a strong and evident step into that... more
Written, Arranged & produced by Christophe Goze
Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Elect Bass, Keyboards, Drums & Grooving things by Christophe Goze
Other musicians who participated in the making of this album:
Lead Nylon Guitar on "At The End Of The Street" by Marc Antoine
Bass on "The Nightfly", "Soul to Soul" & "Ti Voglio Bene" by Roberto Briot
Drums on “Lazy Sunday” & “Passing Time” by Curtis Lyons Jr
Drums on “The Nightfly” & “Soul to soul” by Laurent Faucheux
Drums on “Ti voglio bene” by Matthieu Rabatte
Accordina on "The Nightfly (Extended)", "We'll Meet Again" & "Ti Voglio Bene" by Frederic Langlais
Flute on “At the end of the street” & “The Nightfly” by Michel Gaucher
Indian vocals on "At The End Of The Street" by Ravi Prasad
Vocals, Rhythm Guitar & Arrangements on "Norwegian wood" by Skeb
Recorded and mixed by Christophe Goze at Earth Studio
Cover photo by FredEric D
2022 Anything Goze. Published by Goze Ltd